Unlocking the Golden Elixir: The Wonders and Uses of Ghee in Ayurveda

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Homemade Ghee

Ghee is clarified butter from which water, protein and sugar have been removed by cooking. Ghee is used in many ways in Ayurveda and has a special significance. Its production is simple and only requires a little time. Since Ghee keeps fresh for months even outside the refrigerator, it is always worthwhile to make a larger quantity of Ghee. The literature describes both sweet and sour cream butter for making Ghee. You may simply test which version tastes better for you. Ideally you can use locally produced butter.

Bring butter to the boil in a saucepan. The butter should not heavily bubble, but boil. The butter loses its water in the process. The egg white and sugar settle on the bottom of the pan, first as a foam and later as grains. The white foam can be skimmed off with a ladle.

After about 30 minutes, you should stay on the cooker and stir again and again. When the butter has become clear and you can look at the bottom of the pan, which happens after 30 - 45 minutes, the egg white and sugar will have settled in small pieces on the bottom. Now wait until the pieces are golden brown and the Ghee is ready. Keep stirring so that egg white and sugar do not burn. Strain the warm Ghee through a sieve with a thin cloth or kitchen paper and store it in a sealable glass container.

In the meantime, Ghee can be bought in almost all supermarkets. However, making your own is much cheaper and definitely better in taste. When buying Ghee, make sure that it has been cooked and not centrifuged. Centrifuged Ghee does not have the properties of cooked Ghee and is no substitute!

Ghee in medicine

Herbs and other drugs are often made into medicines together with Ghee, as Ghee is a very good carrier. In India, there is even centenary Ghee, which is said to have a special effect. During a classical cleansing cure (Panchakarma cure), patients are given Ghee to drink frequently during the first few days until the body is completely saturated with it. Toxins in the body are bound by the Ghee and can then be eliminated through medicinal vomiting, enemas, and massages.

Ghee in the diet

Ghee is a commonly used fat. It tastes wonderful nutty and is easy to digest as it is easily absorbed by the intestines. It can be heated to very high temperatures and is one of the least problematic fats thanks to its high levels of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ghee nourishes all body tissues without making you fat. Nevertheless, you should also cover your fat requirements with two other fats/oils. Due to the elimination of egg white, even allergies should not be a problem.

Ghee in cosmetics

Ghee is a wonderful remedy for removing make-up. Even waterproof mascara can be removed effortlessly with it. Close the eye and rub a small amount of ghee into the lash line. Then remove e.g, with a cotton pad and rinse with lukewarm water. It does not sting the eyes and cares for the skin at the same time. Ghee has a slightly moisturising effect. The classic Indian kajal consists of charcoal and Ghee.

Ghee for massages

Ghee is also used instead of massage oils, as it is well absorbed by the skin. Specifically medicated massage oils to pacify Vata may contain Ghee (not only from cow but also from goat milk).

Ghee as a home remedy

Applied to the soles of the feet in the evening, Ghee promotes sound sleep. It protects against colds when applied to the mucous membranes of the nose. Drinking 2 teaspoons of Ghee in the evening before going to bed with a cup of warm milk has a mild laxative effect. As a carrier for turmeric and mixed with it and applied to the skin, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and small wounds, or suppurated areas heal (note: turmeric unfortunately has the property of turning very yellow).

Date: 28 July 2023    Comments: 2

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